Appraisal Services

Jewelry Appraisal Services Types:

Appraisal services Denver diamond, gemstone, and estate jewelry valuations Highly qualified appraiser Neil Beaty AGS CertifiedInsurance or Replacement Value:

This is the most common appraisal type.

It estimates the cost to replace your jewelry with a similar item, brand new, at retail price.

This value is typically higher than what you might sell it for because it reflects replacement costs and jeweler markup.

Replacement Value is the most common type of Appraisal Service

Fair Market Value:

This value is often used for:

  • Tax purposes
  • Charitable donations
  •  Estate Property Division
  • Divorce

This is the estimated price a willing buyer would pay to a willing seller in an open market, assuming both have knowledge of the item. This value is often used for tax purposes, charitable donations, or dividing assets in estates or divorces.

Resale Value:

This appraisal considers the price you could realistically expect to receive if you sold your jewelry to a dealer, private buyer, or auction house. Resale value is usually lower than replacement value because it considers factors like current market trends, the piece’s condition, and marketability.

Estate Value:

This term can be confusing. It doesn’t necessarily reflect a professional estate appraisal, but rather an estimated price a secondhand dealer might offer or what an heir might receive during estate distribution.


Offers you receive from pawn shops or similar buyers aren’t appraisals but rather bids based on their specific buying practices and profit margins.

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Choosing the Right Appraisal Services:

The type of Appraisal Services you need depends on your purpose. Here’s a quick guide:

Insurance: Get a replacement value appraisal.

Taxes or Donations: Opt for a fair market value appraisal.

Selling your jewelry: Consider a resale value appraisal.

Remember: An appraisal should clearly explain the reasoning behind the valuation and the specific type of value being determined. This empowers you to make informed decisions about your precious jewelry.

Diamond Appraisals

Jewelry Appraisal, even ahead of real estate, is the most common type of Appraisal Services in America, and the most common jewelry appraisal is for a diamond engagement ring. It’s not as easy as it sounds and, specifically, there’s quite a bit more to it than reading a GIA report. Book an appraisal on your diamond and see what the difference is.

Gemstone Jewelry Appraisals

Most people think Appraisal Services are all about diamonds but there’s a whole world of other gems out there, and all of those are just components in the finished product. Jewelry involves other stones, artists, designers, craftsmanship, age, provenance and a whole list of other value characteristics.

That’s not a reason to just get any old document that comes with the packing materials. The reason your insurer requires you to get things appraised is because the report is going to be used as a purchase order for the replacement. It’s not just the center diamond. It’s your evidence that it is what you say it is, that it’s undamaged at the start of the policy, and includes all the details to do a replacement. It’s YOU who should be picky, not the insurer.

“Fair Market Value” is an IRS term, but it’s not always used in the same ways, and it’s not always about taxes. Estate distribution is equally important. Often an estate will be worth far more, or less, than the heirs expected. Before you take it down to a “we buy gold” place, figure out what you have. That may be the right move, or it may be a $100,000 mistake.

It’s often said that something is worth whatever someone will pay you for it. That’s one definition, but it’s not usually the best, even when you’re selling. How you sell, who you sell to, what you have, and even what you are like are all important factors. The difference between genuine qualified Appraisal Services and a pawnshop bid is critical. If you’re trying to sell gems and jewelry, especially higher end gems and jewelry, start with the former.


Most people are familiar with the auction process from the movies and television but have very little experience with the nuts and bolts. How to submit things, how much they cost, how long it takes, how to set a reserve, how to safely ship things (especially internationally). We can help choose the right auction house, follow the process, answer your questions, and make the process as smooth and painless as possible.

Damage Consultations

Although we don’t sell jewelry, we are experts when it comes to what is and isn’t a problem. What can be repaired and what is worth restoring.  Can your antique diamond be recut? Should it? How much weight will be lost? What’s the best final shape to aim for? What are even the questions. Jewelers, in general, have very little experience with this. It’s a very specialized skill set. Before you turn it over to your insurance agent, or some stranger on the internet who has never even seen it, Get an expert opinion from an actual expert. You can learn more than you thought, even if you are yourself an expert.

These have become one of the most popular services here. It started as a service for jewelers to CYA when setting stones that they didn’t supply. Tiny amounts of damage can be a big deal and major damage can be just fine, as long as everyone understands. It dovetails well with insurance documentation on the completed item. Although jewelers can and do write receipts and reports on what they make, they rarely assess the quality of workmanship and the condition of the materials.

Diamonds may not truly be forever, but jewelry is quite different from what it used to be. Art Deco pieces from the 1920s are different from Art Deco Style pieces from the 2020’s even if they look similar. Family lore may or may not be reliable. Get the real facts from a real expert.  American Gem Registry, llc in Denver.


Schedule an Appointment

By Appointment Only.
5610 Ward Rd #300
Arvada, CO 80002

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Appraisal services Denver diamond, gemstone, and estate jewelry valuations Highly qualified appraiser Neil Beaty AGS Certified

Jewelry appraisal near me ?

Offices Located in Arvada, Colorado

My office is located in Arvada, Colorado, a suburb of Denver, but I have many customers in the surrounding suburbs and even states! It’s worth the drive from as far as Cheyenne, WY, Colorado Springs, or even Pueblo for an independent appraisal.

 I have top qualifications, I charge reasonable and transparent prices, and I do the work while you wait and while you watch if you like.

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